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    Mariana Campero on Mexico's Presidential Election and U.S. Relations

    Mariana Campero, a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies' Americas Program, previewed Mexico’s presidential election this weekend and the potential impact of new leadership on cooperation with the U.S.

  • NASA Holds News Conference After Scrubbed Boeing Starliner Launch

    NASA held a news conference after the second delayed launch of the Boeing Starliner test flight to the International Space Station. United Launch Alliance CEO Tory Bruno explained that the delay happened because an automatic hold was triggered by the…

  • After Words with Mike Hixenbaugh

    NBC investigative reporter Mike Hixenbaugh looked at how issues around race and identity are playing out in school districts around the country. He was interviewed by Chalkbeat story editor and author Cara Fitzpatrick.

  • Senate Pro Forma Session

    The Senate held a brief pro forma session.

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